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No more purchases until next month!

Haha, that is a rule I'm having to stick by now, seeing as my bank account is feeling the strain! BUT, I bought these two lovelys from Topshop to carry me over into next month;

Grey Quilted Jersey Shorts - Shorts - Clothing - Topshop

These, because they remind me of an outfit a favourite blogger of mine, Candy at did, (seriously, look her up, she's fabulous, and so nice!), where she teamed it with a black or white shirt, a black blazer and some killer heels and accessories. She is a huge influence of mine, and I use her looks to inspire more budgetted versions of my own.

Leather Look Skinny Trousers - Topshop

These, so I can copy the many famously cool looks of Kate Moss, along with the picture below of the girl in leather trousers :) Has such a cool autumnal feel!
Excited for these!

Also, sorry about the link format guys, I'm still figuring it all out!
Looking forward to your comments guys,
Love Chloe XxXxXxX


  1. Nice trousers!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  2. Hi Marie! They're great, but I can barely sit down in them! Hahah. Will definatley be investing in some real leather ones, these babies are great! Thanks foe the comment! XxXxX


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