Hello again fellow blog- meisters.
I bring for you a few more pictures of recent purchases! The first is THIS GILET which I bought for £25 from good old Matalan, it's not a frequent shopping place of mine but I saw this on the internet and had to have it. It is faux 'owl fur' ("BUT OWLS DON'T HAVE FUR!", I hear you cry!No, they don't, but that's what it's called, for some reason or another) and it has a gigantic furry hood which I love. I'm going to wait until it gets abit colder before this beauty makes it's debut.

Here is my second purchase, some more shoes! These beautiful wedges were a little more pricey than I would have liked at £40, but I truly am in love with them. I have a feeling they will make me way too tall to wear out with my boyfriend, but they were well worth it.
Black wedge heel shoe boots - Dorothy PerkinsAnother Dorothy Perkins purchase was a pretty hefty £65, and the picture doesn't really do it justice. It's my beautiful faux fur hooded duffle coat, and with the cold setting in, I thought I'd better invest.
Black fur trim toggle coat - Coats - Clothing - Dorothy PerkinsLast but not least is one for the make- up lovers out there, one of my favourite lines, especially for A/W, is FrontCover. This whole set was only £16 in a promotion from Boots, down from £34! I thought it was quite a steal. Go check it out whilst the offer lasts!The two looks I've zoomed in on are my favourites :)

That's all for now, all. Until next time, cheerio, love Chloe. X